Shella Cares for Your Shoes Laundry Surabaya
Step up Your Sneaker
Shella laundry provides Shoes Laundry including exterior and interior with affordable packets and prices using premium or standard materials for Sneakers care.
The following services are available for express and regular.
Deep Clean & Treatment shoes based on type, model and Shoes Material.
Are You stuck with White Shoes? Not Clean Well!
Standard Cleaning + Extensive cleaning most 99.99% restoring White color on Leather, Static Leather & Polyester shoes.
Shella laundry Surabaya able to do Re-Paint on canvas – outsole.
Quality Paint are important!
Extensive cleaning is also major step from bleaching to changing Shoe styles.
Restorasi sneaker di mulai dengan Pencucian tambahan, Pengecatan, deoxidization dan Re-Glue agar tampilan terlihat baru kembali.
Paket Layanan mungkin berbeda tergantung dari pengunaan bahan.
Layanan Pencucian dan Perlindungan dengan Bahan Premium seperti Jason Markk, Crep dan bahan lokal
Lihat Daftar harga
Your sneakers need repainting?
High Quality acrylic paint will produce good quality and long-lasting colors.
Some side of part shoes need extensive cleaning.
Paket Termasuk ekstra Pencucian untuk memastikan Bagian sepatu sebelum Pengecatan.
Harga Layanan mungkin berbeda-beda tergantung Bagian yang dicat
Warna yang dipilih untuk restorasi dan perubahan gaya dapat dipilih oleh pelanggan.
See Prices Deep Clean
Essential Cleaning
Deep Clean + Express 1 Day
Laundry Sneakers bagian Sole atas, Laces dalam, Tali, Sole Tengah dan Sole luar layanan 24 Jam selesai.
Layanan sudah termasuk Pelindung dan silica, Biaya tambahan untuk Penggunaan bahan Premium atau Lokal premium.
Re-Paint Midsole Boost
Pengecatan bagian Sole Tengah. Layanan termasuk Pencucian, Treatment dan Pengecatan.
Polisher, Deodorize and Silica, Biaya tambahan untuk Penggunaan bahan Premium atau Lokal premium.
Repaint Canvas
Perubahan warna Sneaker. Layanan termasuk Pencucian, Treatment dan Pengecatan.
Polisher, Deodorize and Silica, Biaya tambahan untuk Penggunaan bahan Premium atau Lokal premium.
Pemutihan dan Deoksidasi
Un-Yellow Midsole for restoring faded color, The services include Laundry Shoes and Treatment.
Polisher, Deodorize and Silica, Biaya tambahan untuk Penggunaan bahan Premium atau Lokal premium.
Kenapa Memilih Shella laundry Surabaya
Shella laundry is a Micro business in express laundry for more about 7+ years, It has become a trusted laundry among travelers.
High customer demand for improved services in shoes and care.
Do You Have Question? Contact Shella Today!
One Stop Solution Laundry
Shoes Laundry Surabaya - One of Service Shella laundry with Reliable Prices Beginning from Wash clean, Treatment and Restoration. Its Convenient and Fast!